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Email Marketing Tips: How to Maximize Your List

Email marketing has always been the tool for many business houses and organisation to get the right traffic flowing to their brand or services. In this article, we are going to help you revive the old way and will tell you how to do it effectively. Time Matters This is probably the most important thing […]
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How to Use Instagram for Ecommerce

Social media platform holds a lot of potential when it comes to marketing of any product that you have on offer. If you are going to look at the established players of E-Commerce in the market, then you can see that all of them are using some or the other form of social media to […]
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Google “Buy Buttons” For Sellers

Google has an added feature now – “Sell on Google” that enables the user to directly make the purchase. This is going to be a game changer in the retail market that is getting dominated on the internet as lot many new players are joining the online retail brigade. With this move, it is going […]
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The Four Ps of E-Commerce Marketing

The four factors that determine the working of your E-commerce portal in the most effective and efficient way possible are – Price, price, price, and price! These are the four essential P’s that you require when you are out there to market the E-commerce in the best possible way. When you setup an E-commerce portal, […]
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Out of Sight; Out of Mind

This is an age of technological advancements and the more you are going to educate yourself with the changes that are rapidly taking place over the internet, the more you can succeed in the business. You need to have a strong online presence if you want to take your business to new heights. Almost all […]
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6 Tips for Overcoming Your Biggest Competitor

If you are in the market to launch a new product or brand, then you need to be prepared fully for it. When it comes to brand loyalty, people are adamant on what they use and they generally stick to it no matter how the new products are launched in the market. For example, people […]
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Handling Negative Feedback on Amazon

Amazon in a platform that allows you to showcase and see all of listed items, which may or may not be of use for you. It allows you to have two kinds of feedback, the first one is related to the reviews and feedback of the seller who has listed the items, and the other […]
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Build Your Own Brand And Stop Reselling!

What is the best way to create a brand in the market if you have planned to do an aggressive marketing? A lot of important factors collectively work together to ensure that people stick to what they are already getting their hands on and you have to make sure that you have ticked all the […]
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Watch Out! Credit Card Fraudsters Coming Your Way

When you shop using your credit card online, then you have to sure of various factors because a lot has been changed in the recent past and thanks to the new innovations in technology, you are exposed to risks and frauds at every step. When you shop online and make payment using your credit card, […]
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5 Reasons Consumer Say They Like To Shop Online

As we all know, online shopping has taken the consumers by storm and if you are in the market to look out for items to purchase, then the first thing you will reach out for is the internet. Internet has made lot many things easier for people and thanks to the new portals available, you […]
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